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Psychos Review

In this 2017 mystery horror three women JJ, Sasha and Norma are tortured by their past and must come face to face with their childhood molester as they search his home for their sex tapes that had been sent to their phones. Naming a horror film Psychos has a positive side effect being the link to the extremely well known 1960's success Psycho; however the negative impact comes in the form of the infamous character, Norman Bates and the fact that any link to the character has a huge roll to fill.

With any film, if you aren't focused on what is happening within the first ten minutes, you can lose yourself and become confused with what the story line is. Psychos is no exception to that theory; you are introduced to three women with very different home lives that have still managed to keep each others phone numbers from a traumatizing event that had happened ten years prior. With a basic cat and mouse chase scene, followed by no sound effects for what seems like serious injuries including being beaten with a baseball bat to the face, a bombshell is dropped that Norma is in fact the molesters daughter.

The viewer is given many flashbacks through Norma's eyes including her drowning her own child (fathered by her own father) in a bath, with also talking to herself and seeing dead people walking around and talking to her. This schizophrenia trip is definitely reminiscent of Norman Bates in both the films and the television series The Bates Motel. Although the overall film felt like a cheap Bates experience, there were moments that seemed very gripping and twists that made the film very easy to watch. If you're looking for what feels like an independent psycho gore film, you may find yourself liking this flick.

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